04. Course Overview
L1 02 Course Overview V4
What's Ahead
Lesson 2: Data Types and Operators
- Data Types: Integers, Floats, Booleans, Strings, Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries
- Operators: Arithmetic, Assignment, Comparison, Logical, Membership, Identity
- Built-In Functions, Compound Data Structures, Type Conversion
- Whitespace and Style Guidelines
Lesson 3: Control Flow
- Conditional Statements
- Boolean Expressions
- For and While Loops
- Break and Continue
- Zip and Enumerate
- List Comprehensions
Lesson 4: Functions
- Defining Functions
- Variable Scope
- Documentation
- Lambda Expressions
- Iterators and Generators
Lesson 5: Scripting
- Python Installation and Environment Setup
- Running and Editing Python Scripts
- Interacting with User Input
- Handling Exceptions
- Reading and Writing Files
- Importing Local, Standard, and Third-Party Modules
- Experimenting with an Interpreter